Chester County Emergency Rent and Utility Assistance Program

Announced on April 16, 2021 by the Chester County Department of Community Development (CCDCD).

What it is: This program serves renters in Chester County who are behind in rent or utilities due to COVID-19. This program has no citizenship requirement. This program is funded by the US Treasury and Chester County has received over $34 million to assist renters in our community. According to the CCDCD there may be programs at a later date for homeowners. Gateway Medical Associates will follow and announce updates as we receive them.

Funding will serve individuals and families that are obligated to pay rent and meet the following three criteria:

1. Qualify for unemployment or have experienced a reduction in household income, incurred significant costs, or experienced a financial hardship due to COVID-19.
2. Demonstrate a risk of experiencing homelessness or housing instability.
3. Have a household income at or below 80 percent of the area median. See examples of area median below (For additional income thresholds, see checklist linked below. Income limits are subject to change per guidance from the federal government).

Area Median Income Guidelines:
Family of 1 = $54,150/year
Family of 4 = $77,300/year

How to access the program:
Dial 2-1-1and press 2 for “Homelessness and Housing Crisis”, press 2 for “Chester County’, finally press 2 for “Emergency Rental Assistance Program.” You will talk with a helper familiar with the program. You will need to provide various documents. Below is a link for a checklist of items you will need.

Unfortunately, our offices are unable to help with this process. Please call or use the link below for assistance.

Application checklist link:

Link to webinar explaining who is eligible: